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4 30 17
Aaah_ _ for 400,Grand!  Sure what do you, want me to say?
Did I Spy on Trump? Sure what do you, want me to say?

 A blessed Resurrection Sunday to all Believers.

His triumph was his fulfillment of his mission to save humanity. He did it all. We need just accept his grace. A blessed wish for "Your salvation this Passover, and Resurrection week".

theylove the ball
They love the ball! But the earth is flat!

Trump new sherriff
The new Sherriff hits town, to cheers from all the Neocons and the NWO war mongers on the left! However it did not play well with those who voted him into office, and wanted him to work with Putin and Assad to defeat ISIS,DESH, and Alcaida.

Socar dad

Motor city demographics change. The new "football Dad!"

Rice office
Susan Rice sits in her "Office of Domestic Surveillance." As it turns out She Spied on and unmasked Trump team members!

Susan Rice
"I Leaked Nothing to Nobody" Didn't say she didn't spy on The Trump Team!

Chelsea Clinton, exclaims "Oh Please tell me that's photoshopped!" at seeing a picture of President Lincoln,
wearing a make America great again cap. Ann coulter Palm slaps her forehead an cries please tell me she's not really that dumb!

Trump speaks
Speaking of the Media "I Hate them, But I would not kill them." 
"But wouldn't it be great if we could get Russia to help us destroy ISIS!"

Neocon golbalist fear
The Neocons and Globalist's biggest fear is Trump ending the Russian boogyman narrative, and joining forces
 with Putin and Assad in Syria to destroy ISIS, Desh, and Alcaida! Well he just shot this Idea in the ass!

Rayan No Mas
Rayan gets another black eye, cries No MAS! No MAS! And throws in the towel on Obama care.
 Trump leaves in disgust.

Three worms in the republican apple McCain, Rayan, and Graham

Coptic Putin
Putin rides in as the savior of the Coptic Christians in Syria. While the US arms the ISIS  Rebels killing Christians, Muslims, , Sheiks and everyone else . And for what to destabilize the mid east and cause mass Muslim migration world wide, to incite violence and war.

lost dreams
Lost Dreams,

Fed Houseof cards
The Fed built on a foundation of a house of cards. collapsing under its own weight.

trup fires o's doj

Trump tells Sessions to fire O's DOJ lawyers.

Trump otapped my phone.
Obama tapped my campaign's phones!

America first
Under my Administration America will be FIRST in Manufacturing again!

Muslim Princess
She's a Muslim Princess, it's 2017 and she still can't show her self or drive!

Trump wrecking ball
The citizens distrust of the federal government policies
and politicians Is why Trump won.

boris n Natasha
Oh!  Natasha Ha-Ha! JP @ GMail, Russian Girls HA-HA
The DNC Ha-ha Hillary, HA_HA_HA!!!

Kruse whats a burner
What's a Burner? Look who's on Kruse speed dial, Yep Madam Palfrey!

This put
And this put cost tax payers How Much!

Sarah's bomb
Planed Parent hood This Baby's for you, free Drone delivery S1 Neutron special.

Disco berry

Obama rides the ball of destruction !

Obama- cyde

Trump snake
Trump cuts the head off the snake with extreme vetting.

Oball 2
O loves to ride the ball! Now he's knocked a hole in the wall !

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At Home Gold Mine
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04/12/2017 04:21:18 PM -0400